
Who is Dairy4?

Dairy4 is a short name for DairyFor, a website that was initialized for dairy-related contents, the literal meaning of dairyFor is FOR DAIRY

What do we do?

We mainly publish information related to the dairy or milk industry. For example, dairy nutrition and health, dairy cattle breeding and feeding, animal health care, dairy products processing and production, dairy food quality and safety, and dairy-related training and education information. Besides, we also pay special attention to some information related to China’s related industry. We will translate some of the latest information and news in China into English to share with readers around the world.

In addition to the above, we also intend to establish some global dairy-related business databases, for example, to include in these databases the organization names, contact information, brief introduction, etc.

Another important aspect of the dairy4 website is the global educational information about dairy, for example, the universities and research institutes in the field of scientific research related to dairy. This is expected to be provided as references for people in need. 

Who are our members?

This website is started and maintained by volunteers, so we have no permanent members.  In addition to the administrator of the website, the rest of the staff are from all over the world. Their selfless collection of global information into the website is for the purpose of information exchange If you are interested in joining our team, please contact us. 

What is our vision?

Our vision is to build a global exchange platform for the dairy industry and dedicate all the information to the relevant people in the industry free of charge.  

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