China publishes proposal on promoting green, low-carbon dairy industry

According to the recent news from XINHUANET, China Dairy Industry Association (CDIA) has published a proposal movement on promoting the Green, Low-Carbon, and Sustainable development of the local dairy industry in the recent CDIA 2021 Annual Conference in Hangzhou, China. As a national economy and people’s livelihood, China’s dairy industry shoulders the responsibility and mission of promoting carbon peaks and carbon-neutral goals. This move aims to comprehensively promote the green transformation and upgrading of the entire industry chain, and take effective actions to promote green, low-carbon, and sustainable development.


In 2020, China officially announced that it will strive to achieve carbon peaks by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. In May of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs issued the “Notice on the Pilot Program of Green Planting and Feeding Circular Agriculture”, focusing on comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and accelerating the promotion of green and low-carbon agricultural development.


“The amount of exhaust gas emitted by raising a cow is equivalent to two beef cattle, 14 sheep, 22 goats, and 74 pigs”, said by Professor Li from China Agriculture University in his report in the CDIA 2021 annual meeting. “In the supply chain of various livestock products, carbon emissions mainly come from the pasture end, and the main source of emissions in each link after the pasture is carbon dioxide, which only accounts for 2.9% of the total emissions.”


Prof. Li also mentioned that at present, the dairy industry and the industrial sector need to pay attention to and urgently solve the problem of green, recyclable dairy product packaging. He also suggested focusing on the carbon footprint of large-scale pastures, establish standard methods to obtain first-hand carbon emissions data of China’s dairy industry; improve the accuracy of pasture nutrition supply, further promote innovative manure treatment methods, adjusts rumen fermentation functions, and use new greens Energy, etc. can realize the path of carbon neutralization at the farming end.


For the full content of this article, please visit the CDIA website.